
The LR series anchor pull-out tester is suitable for anchor force testing of anchor rods, steel bars, expansion bolts, etc., and can also be used for on-site pull-out force testing of glass curtain walls (tests). It is one of the essential instruments for quality inspection of anchor rod construction projects.



SPECIFICATIONS 100kN 200kN 300kN 500kN 1000kN
Ф d1 27mm 35mm 45mm 60mm 85mm
Ф d2 49mm 65mm 74mm 104mm 148mm
Ф d3 81mm 116mm 125mm 160mm 220mm
h1 180mm 210mm 210mm 220mm 270mm
h2 11mm 11mm 11mm 11mm 22mm
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
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